Information on Cochlear Implants

information-on-cochlear- implants

Q. What is a Cochlear Implant System?

A. A cochlear implant is a highly advanced medical device and the only technology that is capable of functionally restoring our sense of hearing. Cochlear implants provide an effective alternative to hearing aids because they don’t use amplification, but rather bypass the damaged part of the ear and use electrical stimulation to enable you to hear.

Q. What are the Components of a Cochlear Implant System?

A. There are two main components to a cochlear implant system. The internal component is the implant. The external component is the sound processor, which can be worn on or off the ear.

Q. How does a cochlear implant work?

A. A cochlear implant is designed to help you hear in noisy settings, from bustling restaurants to busy airports. Cochlear implants are also compatible with cell phones, MP3 players and other audio devices. You can finally talk on the phone or sing along to your favorite song! You’ll be glad to know that cochlear implants are easy to use; there’s no need to fumble with tiny batteries, dials, switches or remote controls. Cochlear implants are also flexible, with different wearing options to suit your needs, from a lightweight on-the-ear option to a discreet processor that can be concealed under clothing with nothing worn on the ear at all. Last but not least, cochlear implants are eco-friendly, with rechargeable batteries that are easy to operate and last for years.

Rest assured, our technical specialists at Sky Medical Equipment and Supplies will be able to assist and explain the use and benefits the cochlear implants to you in depth.

Conductive Hearing Loss
Conductive hearing loss occurs when something is blocking sound waves from passing to the inner ear, through the outer and middle ear. You can easily mimic conductive hearing loss by plugging your ear, that’s basically what it’s like.

Causes, Signs and Treatment of Conductive Hearing Loss
The causes that can lead to conductive hearing loss are varied and include conditions such as middle ear infections (otitis media), benign tumors (cholesteatomas), perforated eardrums, trauma and malformations of the middle or outer ear. With conductive hearing loss, speech tends to sound understandable, but only if it’s loud enough and there isn’t too much background noise. Hearing aids may help, but sometimes not enough.

For many people with conductive hearing loss, the first solution may be to get a hearing aid. This may be adequate if the hearing loss is mild, but if the hearing loss is moderate or worse a hearing aid is seldom the best solution. Our technical specialists will assess the degree of your hearing loss. There may also be other reasons why people aren’t able to use hearing aids (e.g. malformations that make using a hearing aid impossible), or just aren’t getting the benefits they expect. When our audiologists at Sky Medical install and test different hearing aids, you will notice that hearing aids will improve your hearing tremendously. Other causes of conductive hearing loss can be associated with ear infections, which may be further aggravated by using a hearing aid, making it difficult and uncomfortable to use. Our technical specialists will ensure that if this is the case, you will not feel such frustrations and have a better quality of life.

Mixed Hearing Loss
Mixed hearing loss is a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, meaning that there is damage in both the outer or middle ear and in the inner ear. This type of hearing loss ranges in severity from mild to profound. For people with mixed hearing loss, sounds can be both softer in volume and more difficult to understand.

Causes, Signs and Treatment of Mixed Hearing Loss
Mixed hearing loss is caused by a combination of conductive damage in the outer or middle ear and sensorineural damage in the inner ear (cochlea) or hearing /auditory nerve. Genetic factors, overexposure to loud noise, certain medications and the normal ageing process can lead to sensorineural hearing loss. Birth defects, diseases, infections, tumors or masses and head injuries are all possible causes of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. If the hearing loss is mostly conductive, speech tends to sound understandable, but only if it’s loud enough and there isn’t too much background noise. If the hearing loss is mostly sensorineural, there may be difficulty understanding speech, even when it seems loud enough. Depending on the degree and make-up of mixed hearing loss, it may be treated with medications, surgery, hearing aids or an implantable bone conduction hearing system. At Sky Medical Equipment & Supplies, our audiologists can talk you through the options and help you make the most informed decision.

Almost everyone’s experienced some type of ear noise, such as humming, buzzing, whistling, or hissing. They start suddenly, then continue uninterrupted or reoccur at certain intervals, and are extremely unpleasant. Most of the time, tinnitus disappears as quickly as it arrives. But this isn’t always the case.

Causes, Signs and Treatment of Tinnitus
It is estimated that 6 million people live with tinnitus on a permanent basis. Tinnitus isn’t a separate illness; it’s a symptom caused by a variety of very different disorders. There are now around 400 known conditions that can trigger these continuous, irritating noises in your ears.

The majority of people with tinnitus primarily suffer from the constant stress and mental strain it can cause. Where is the noise coming from? How loud is it? Is it a spoken word? And, if so, what does it mean? All these factors can be assessed by our technical specialists and audiologists at Sky Medical Equipment & Supplies. So contact us to find out how to be screened.

Even though we can’t close our ears the way we can close our eyes, our brain stems are capable of subconsciously filtering out individual signals it classifies as meaningless. This is why, for example, parents are able to hear their children crying at night, but rattling doors do not wake them up.

Ready to get help?

We understand the challenges that come with hearing loss. We can help you navigate the complex healthcare system and connect to the right resources. As a leading medical equipment and supplies company, we are dedicated to providing you with the best hearing solutions. Contact a cochlear implant specialist today!

Learning about Hearing & Hearing Loss


Q. What is hearing loss?

A. Hearing loss is measured in decibels hearing level (or dBHL). This number represents the softest level you or your child can hear.

Q. What is a hearing level?

A. The Hearing level can be measured for pure tone sounds, as well as for speech sounds, and can be reported for both ears (bilateral) or for each ear individually (unilateral). The amount of hearing loss someone has is ranked as mild, moderate, severe, or profound.

Q. What are the different degrees of hearing loss?

A. Hearing loss varies in degrees, from normal to profound. In some cases, you cannot hear low pitch sounds and in other cases you cannot hear high pitch sounds, as below:

Normal hearing
You can hear quiet sounds down to 20 dBHL.

Mild hearing loss
Hearing loss in your better ear between 25 – 39 dBHL.
You have difficulty following speech in noisy situations.

Moderate hearing loss
Hearing loss in your better ear between 40 – 69 dBHL.
You have difficulty following speech without a hearing aid.

Severe hearing loss
Hearing loss in your better ear between 70 – 89 dBHL.
Require powerful hearing aids or an implant.

Profound hearing loss
Hearing loss in your better ear from 90 dBHL.
You need to rely mainly on lip-reading and/or sign language, or an implant.

Q. What are the different types of hearing loss?

A. Sensorineural Hearing Loss
In the past, sensorineural hearing loss was referred to as “nerve deafness”. We now know that in most cases the problem stems from the inner ear rather than from the hearing nerve. However, we continue to group the two problems together, because the inner ear and the hearing nerve are connected and need to work together. It’s another reason why hearing loss should be treated promptly – the ‘downstream’ neural parts of the hearing system need input from the ‘upstream’ sensory parts in order to grow and stay healthy.

Causes, Signs and Treatment of Sensorineural Hearing Loss
The causes of sensorineural hearing loss are varied but can be generally put into two categories: congenital and acquired.

Congenital hearing loss is present at birth and is the most common problem seen in newborns. It can be either inherited or caused by abnormal development in the fetus. Before the development of a vaccine, maternal rubella or German Measles was a common cause of congenital hearing loss.

Acquired hearing loss can be caused by a wide range of factors such as trauma, presbycusis (age-related hearing loss), noise exposure from machinery or firearms, Meniere’s disease and meningitis. A tumor on the hearing nerve can cause rarer neural hearing loss. When present in both ears, sensorineural hearing loss will mean you may have difficulty understanding, even when speech seems loud enough. When in one ear, you may have difficulty locating sounds or hearing background noise.

Treatment for sensorineural hearing loss varies, depending on the severity of your hearing loss and whether you are affected in one ear or both. If you have mild to severe sensorineural hearing loss in one ear then a conventional hearing aid is the most common treatment option. However, as hearing aids require some degree of useable hearing, they can’t help in the case of profound hearing loss.

If you have mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss in both ears, hearing aids can help most people. For more severe levels of hearing loss, sometimes hearing aids just do not help enough. This is because sensorineural hearing loss causes sounds to become distorted. Amplifying sounds through hearing aids makes them sound louder, but not necessarily clearer. Even good quality hearing aids can sound distorted if the inner ear is severely damaged.

If you have severe to profound hearing loss and hearing aids are no longer working for you, you may want to learn more about cochlear implants.

Q. Want to learn more about Hearing Loss?

We know hearing loss doesn’t have to stop you, whether it is mild or severe. To learn more about your options for treatment, contact us today!